of Nighttime/Frequent or Urgent Urination
urination is not a fatal disorder, but it can be very inconvenient as one has to
look for a restroom frequently. At night, one may have to get up to go to the
bathroom 2 to 6 times, resulting in inadequate sleep. In addition to frequency
of urination, many patients may also have urgency or the sensation of having to
go to the bathroom immediately. Some individuals have urination leakage during
laughter or coughing, which is both inconvenient and embarrassing. Frequent Urination and Increased Thirst
Is Nighttime Urination Normal?
A Sign of Many Critical Chronic Conditions Although frequent urination is not a fatal illness, it
is a sign of other chronic disorders. No one should discount this message from
your body. Potentially, there is a long list of chronic conditions which are the
result of low body heat constitution and accompanied by frequent urination.
Below is a short list of common conditions:
prevention is the best medicine, patients can prevent or lessen the symptoms of
nighttime urination by:
– Renewing Patient’s Life
Since nighttime urination is a
common sign of many chronic disorders, one should take this symptom seriously
and consult with a medical professional. Our healing of nighttime urination is
very effective and may only involve 1 to 5 visits for simple cases. A Case among Many Successful Stories Ms. D. is a 70 year old lady. This is her story:
“During Owen's Qigong diagnosis, he asked if my bladder functions were normal.
Owen reminded me that I needed to go to the restroom frequently. I had to go
four to five times every night, which caused me to not sleep well. Also, when
carrying a heavy load, the urine would come out by itself. After Owen's first
Tuina treatment, I was amazed that I only needed to go to the restroom once each
night. Even on the third night, after I drank two bowls of soup, I only went to
the restroom once. My number of visits to the restroom also reduced during the
day. I don't have to keep looking for restrooms while enjoying windowshopping.” Note:*The
low body heat constitution is also called the “false heat” condition in
Chinese medicine. The person with low Distance Healing Is An Option for Remote Patients If you live far away from our office, how about giving our amazing distance healing services a try. We have helped many patients remotely.
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