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Books written by Tom Tam
purchase Tom Tam's books, please visit our online shopping site, http://EasternHealingCenter.com/store
, or contact us at (301)519-2346 or email us at .
The shipping and handling via UPS Ground per order is $7.00 in addition to the price of
each book.
Tom Tam Healing System
In this sixth edition, Tom Tam explains for his basic ideas of healing.
His healing system combines Western and Eastern knowledge for a more complete
understanding of the body and healing. Tom developed his healing system in a way
that makes sense to patients and medical experts alike.

Ren Therapy
Tong Ren is a distant healing technique developed by Tom Tam. Tom's
practical experience and clinical observations, combined with Carl Jung's
collective unconscious theory and the Chi Gong healing methods, are the
foundation of Tong Ren therapy healing. Tong Ren healing has successfully
treated many difficult cases, including cancer, M.S, hepatitis C, diabetes,
A.L.S, H.I.V, lupus, depression, and many other diseases. The Tong Ren therapy
is now used by more than 1,000 practitioners worldwide.

Ren for Cancer
Tong Ren for Cancer is Tom's latest book, and it has already been
translated to Russian. This book will help you to understand cancer from a
very different perspective. Cancer healing has become a major part of Tom's
healing practice. Tong Ren for Cancer is a revolutionary concept, and certain to
bring a new understanding of cancer healing to the world.

Chi Dao Yin

Peng Gong (US$20.00)
This is the latest Qigong book by Tom Tam. He
put into Qigong practice the famous story
"Transcendental Roaming", originally written by Chuang Tzu, the Taoist,
about the mythical bird, Da Peng.
The major purpose of the practice of Da Peng Gong is to open blockages in the

Pi Gu is an ancient Chinese fasting program deeply rooted in Taoism. Pi
Gu is a Taoist practice a level above Qigong. Traditionally, Pi Gu is the
last step into the immortal stay. It is now a lost art in China, banned because
of its spiritual and physical power. If you are a Qigong practitioner and want
to grow into other higher levels, you must know Pi Gu.

Hope on the Horizon
Many of Tom's patients are fighting cancer. They ask for references of
cancer healing. They want to hear from the people who have been healed. This
book includes many of these stories. Every story in this book is factual to
bring new hope to those suffering from this disease.

Unfinished Life
The Unfinished Life is non-fiction. It doesn't matter whether you
believe in past life experiences or not. Sometimes these experiences influence
your present life. What can you do about it? How can you deal with past life
problems? In this book, Tom will share his healing experience of past lives with

the Love of Nature – poetry
Many readers say they have no interest in poetry, yet they enjoy Tom's
easy to understand poems. But Tom's simple words carry deeper meaning and a
transcendental philosophy of life and of love.

Tze, Dao De Jing chapter 1-12 (US$10.00)
The complete book of Dao De Jing consists of
eighty-one chapters. The book is Tom's translation and analysis for the first
twelve chapters. It is an ongoing project. His translations adds more
insight into the Dao De Jing, more than two hundred other English translated
copies already in existence. Tom's translation explains the Tao in a simple and
understandable way. This book has also been translated into Russian.

Tze, Dao De Jing
- chapter 13-25
The complete book of Dao De Jing consists of
eighty-one chapters. The book is Tom's second part of his translation and analysis
of Lao Tze's Dao De Jing. It is from chapter thirteen to chapter twenty-five. It is
one of Tom's ongoing projects. His translations add more
insight into the Dao De Jing, more than two hundred other English translated
copies already in existence. Tom's translation explains the Tao in a simple and
understandable way. This book has also been translated into Russian.
Healing Center provides Qigong
healing, Pi
Gu healing, Holistic
Weight Loss, Distance
Healing, Acupuncture
and Tai
Chi in Gaithersburg, Rockville, Potomac, and Germantown in
Montgomery county, Maryland, and the whole Washington DC area.
Healing Center is located near the Old Towne Gaithersburg. Our
office is only about 1 mile north to Rockville; 12 miles north to
Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton; 4 miles south to Germantwon and 6
miles east to Potomac. Gaithersburg
is at the center of Montgomery
county, Maryland. Montgomery County is a suburban county located in
the state of Maryland, north of Washington DC.
is surrounded by Rockville, Takoma Park, Barnesville, Bethesda,
Brookeville, Chevy Chase, Darnestown, Germantown, Glen Echo, Kensington,
Kentlands, Montgomery Village, North Potomac, Potomac, Silver Spring,
Wheaton, etc.