An Effortless Energy Fasting - Pi Gu Fasting Pi Gu Fasting is a healthy fasting plan for weight loss with the assistance of qi or energy during a Pi Gu state. It is a two part weekly routine. Part I - Weekly Qigong fasting healing - Pi Gu healing l. Charge energy: Receive the energy of our ancient Pi Gu energy healing, which will benefit you in the following areas:
After receiving our energy healing, you may not feel hungry for a day or two, or even longer. Many patients felt little or no desire for food for the entire week. 2. Pi Gu Fasting: During fasting, if you are not hungry, do not eat any food; just drink or sip some water. Qigong water is preferred when you feel thirsty. 3. Hunger management:
Part II - Fasting diet - Pi Gu Diet 1. When: If you feel hungry regularly, choose one to two days during the week to observe the fasting diet. Other days, use your regular light meals. 2. What Content: One recommended fasting meal consists of:
The three items can be substituted by food with similar ingredients and size.
3. How Often: While on the fasting diet, you can eat as many fasting meals as needed during the day, but only if you are feeling hungry. If you are not hungry at all, do not eat. Then you will be in a full Pi Gu state. Do not try to force yourself into full Pi Gu state. This is supposed to happen naturally and effortlessly. More Resources about Weight Loss If you are interested in finding out the best way of determining your ideal weight, below are a few useful links. Please let us know if you find anything better than what we know here. We are happy to list them here too.
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